
Department of Finance of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

General Office

Name: General Office

Address: No. 69 Taoyuan Road, Nanning City

Tel: 0771-5337935

Person in charge: Sun Liangquan

Duties: analyzing and forecasting?financial and economic situations?and?providing suggestions on?regulatory policies; organizing?the construction of?the financial and economic operation?information database;?offering suggestions on income distribution policies and?reform plans, reviewing and regulating?allowance for civil servants;?studying,?formulating, classifying and implementing?supportive financial policies for?the reform of public institutions;?enacting policies on the management of the revenues and expenditures related to transfers of?land and other state-owned resources;?managing funds for urban housing security and housing reform;?formulating?rules and regulations for government procurements?of services; regulating?activities related to lottery; setting divisional budgets with respect to Housing Provident Fund?and other aspects?and dealing with relevant budgetary revenues and expenditures?as well as financial transfers and payments.